Planting guide
How to select, plant and care for native canopy trees and understory species that are appropriate to the vegetation community in your area of Pittwater.
Learn about legislation
Learn more about the DCP (Development Control Plan) and LEP (Local Environment Plan) of the Northern Beaches Council from one of our local keepers.
How you can help
For more ideas on how you can help protect our canopy, here are some suggestions.
Concerned about a tree?
Are you concerned about suspicious tree removal or the impacts of development applications (DA) and building works? Record the DA number listed on the yellow notice or note the address and enter it into NBC’s application search. If you believe a tree or bushland has been cleared illegally, call NBC 1300 434 434 to report it (line is open 24 hours).
How to find a qualified arborist
There is no government regulated licensing of tree workers in Australia. It is a self-regulated industry meaning anyone can offer tree services – advice, pruning and removal. This often works against the interests of preservation. For best outcomes invest in a level 5 qualified arborist.
What is a D.A.?
A Development Application is a formal application that must be lodged with council in order to develop property on private land, under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).
Once lodged, council engages the public by posting the D.A. proposal online, notifying neighbours by mail and putting a D.A. notice on site. Public objections may result in a D.A. being modified or refused.
What is a T.A.?
A Tree Application is a formal application to remove or prune trees on an applicant’s property.
Trees and vegetation on the Northern Beaches, even those on private land, are protected under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) 2017 (Vegetation SEPP). The Vegetation SEPP regulates proposed tree and vegetation removal that is not associated with a development application but still requires a permit from Council.
Unlike a D.A., council currently is not obliged to post notice of a proposed tree removal as per SEPP policy.
Know your acronyms
LGA Local Government Area – Pittwater amalgamated & became a ward within Northern Beaches LGA
LEP Local Environment Plan – legally required guidelines council use to govern and direct land usage
DCP Development Control Plan – supporting guidelines with expanded details to control development
TCP Tree Canopy Plan – supporting guidelines to control and guide the preservation of urban tree canopy
DPE Department of Planning and Environment, State of NSW
SEPP the State Environmental Planning Policies
NBC Northern Beaches Council
What is a TEC?
A TEC (Threatened Ecological Community) is a naturally occurring group of native plants, animals and other organisms living in a unique location that are at risk of extinction. It is important not just to protect individuals and species, but also the wider communities they are linked to. Here are two important TECs found on the peninsula:
Pittwater Spotted Gum Forest
This TEC occurs on the lower hillslopes of Barrenjoey Peninsula, Scotland Island and the western foreshores of Pittwater. The tree canopy is dominated by Pittwater Spotted Gum (Corymbia maculata) and is associated with several Angophora and Eucalyptus species . Over 70% of this TEC is found on private land, with the remaining portion in council bushland reserves. It is therefore critical that private landholders step up as stewards of this precious community.
Littoral Rainforest
Canopy species include cabbage tree palms, lilly pillies and figs amongst other rainforest trees, vines and shrubs. Littoral rainforest provides important roosting and nesting sites for threatened species such as the powerful owl, however very little of this highly fragmented ecology remains. One of the best remnants of this TEC locally is the bushland surrounding Bilgola Bends.

Subscribe to keep up with news and events
Canopy Keepers is a group of concerned Pittwater residents determined to protect and strengthen our canopy. We’ve begun the work of creating a voice for the trees and we seek the support and participation of residents who care about our local environment. Please join us in protecting our wildlife by preserving our canopy.